So, the new song that makes me teary is Guns N Roses Sweet Child of Mine. Just read it, and look at pics of my beautiful daughter, and you'll know why.
She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything
Was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I'd stare too long
I'd probably break down and cry
Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine
She's got eyes of the bluest skies
As if they thought of rain
I hate to look into those eyes
And see an ounce of pain
Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder
And the rain
To quietly pass me by
Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine
Where do we go
Where do we go now
Where do we go
Sweet child o' mine
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Picture Update
Sorry we haven't updated much on our blog for a very LONG time. If you click on the links below you can see some updates from our life and our ever growing Hadlee.
- Hadlee's Baby Blessing and Trip to Boise - Click Here
- More of the CUTEST BABY EVER!! - Click Here
- The Summer of Hadlee Begins... - Click Here
- The Trip Madness Begins... - Click Here
- Our Summer Vacations Continued... - Click Here
- Black and White, Sepia and Cyanotypes Only - Click Here
- Our first Lake Powell (Hadlee and Mommy's at least) - Click Here
- More Lake Powell + August '08 - Click Here
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
So Long Sweet Summer...
So, I can hardly believe that summer is coming to a close and my beautiful Hadlee is FOUR MONTHS OLD already. Sheesh time flies by. Hadlee can roll over, grabs at EVERYTHING (and of course it goes straight towards her mouth,) and thinks getting scared is funny. Come to think of it, she thinks tons of things are funny. She's a pretty happy baby in general. Her laugh is probably my favorite sound in the whole world. She's been the highlight of our life ever since she was born. On both of our vacations she was an angel baby. I was worried about all that time in the car, but she was a trooper. She didn't even start fussing until the last ten minutes of the trip to and from the coast, and didn't fuss at all on the way to Lake Powell. I think on the way back from Lake Powell she finally got fed up because she fussed a little then. I will say that since we've been home from vacations she's been a little bit of a turd because she got so used to non-stop attention and stimulation. Oh well. I couldn't ask for a better baby. Cor is still working for his dad and loading trucks in the morning for Fed-Ex. I'm living the life of a stay at home mom. It's an adjustment for me, but I don't think I could leave my baby every day for work. In a few weeks it's back to school and I'm SUPER excited to do as well as I can and GRADUATE in the spring. (Summer at the latest!!!) Cor just had his 23rd and mine is on Friday. Birthdays really lose excitement as you get older I've discovered. I have moments where I'm all anxious inside because it's almost my birthday, but then I realize it will probably be just another day and I'll be just another year older. Blach. Anyway, it was great getting to see so much family and loved ones this summer. I love you all! I'll try to keep this updated, and keep checking for new adorable pictures of our sweet baby girl.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Hadlee Update
Hadlee is doing great. She eats A LOT! And consequently urps up ALL THE TIME! And it's projectile. It's nasty. Still, I think she's adorable. Perhaps only a mother can be burped up on again and again and still think her baby is perfect. Cor finished his finals today, and thusly his semester. That was a relief. We were able to work it out so that in the fall I can go back to school full time but still be home. I just have class at times when Cor is home so Hadlee doesn't have to be in daycare. It's a blessing it worked out. I only have class one day a week during the day. I have two night classes (three nights a week) and an independent study (hopefully.) It worked out so perfectly. I was so happy. Night classes stink, but I'm willing to do it in order to get to stay home and not put Hadlee in daycare. The coolest part was that my adviser in my department told me that I should be able to graduate a year from now. YAY!!! I kind of wish I was graduating this semester with a lot of my friends, but taking time of to have Hadlee was totally worth it. If I could have all of college to do over, I would have taken more credits other semesters and been more serious about everything. I wouldn't have taken semester's off. Then again, maybe I wouldn't change anything because life happened in a way to get me here, and I'm so happy. Anyway, summer is about to begin! We're planning trips to the coast to stay with my grandparents and to Lake Powell for Hadlee and I to meet a lot of Cor's family. Both trips sound like fun, but I'm a little weary of traveling extended distances with a baby. Especially since my baby is already a home body. She gets fussy if she's away from the house for even a couple of hours. Yikes. Oh well, we'll just hope for the best. She's a month old already! I can't even believe. Watching her grow is so exciting and makes me so happy, but at the same time breaks my heart. Time just goes by too fast and I'm so scared of losing moments with my precious baby. Sometimes when I'm so tired and frustrated, I feel so guilty for thinking, I can't wait until she's big enough to sleep eight hours, or, I can't wait until I'm done breastfeeding. I know I'll be so sad, and excited, when we reach those points. Right now I just want to stay in this moment with my tiny girl forever. But I know I'll love the moments to come. Man, do I love her. I never imagined how much love I would have. It's so hard getting babies here, and so hard sometimes once they get here, but every time I hold her I think that she's so worth it. I never truly understood it when everyone said it before I had her. Now I understand. I think I love Cor even more now because I see how much he loves our baby girl. Life is good. So this is somewhat cheesy but I cried when my sister in law sent me these lyrics right after I had Hadlee... I Saw God Today - George Strait Just walked down the street to the coffee shop Had to take a break I'd been by her side for 18 hours straight Saw a flower growin' in the middle of the sidewalk Pushin' up through the concrete Like it was planted right there for me to see The flashin' lights The honkin' horns All seemed to fade away In the shadow of that hospital at 5:08 I saw God today I've been to church I've read the book I know he's here But I don't look Near as often as I should Yeah, I know I should His fingerprints are everywhere I just slowed down to stop and stare Opened my eyes and man I swear I saw God today Saw a couple walkin' by they were holdin' hands Man she had that glow Yeah I couldn't help but notice she was startin' to show Stood there for a minute takin' in the sky Lost in that sunset Splash of amber melted in the shades of red I've been to church I've read the book I know he's here But I don't look Near as often as I should Yeah, I know I should His fingerprints are everywhere I just slowed down to stop and stare Opened my eyes and man I swear I saw God today Got my face pressed up against the nursery glass She's sleepin' like a rock My name on her wrist Wearin' tiny pink socks She's got my nose, she's got her mama's eyes My brand new baby girl She's a miracle I saw God today |
Sunday, April 20, 2008
She's finally here and we love her! She was born at 12:25 a.m. Saturday, April 5th, 2008. She weighed 8 lbs 8 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long. Her head was 14 1/4. She was a BIG healthy girl. She came naturally (that's right, no drugs at all. Also, no episiotomy) after 14 HOURS of Pitocin. OUCH. Everything went SUPER slow until the very end. When I finally got dilated far enough (I set the goal ahead of time - if I were to get an epidural, I wouldn't do it until after 6 or 7 cm in order to help prevent c-section) to ask for an epidural, I went from 7 to 10 in about 3 minutes so there was no time for the guy to come with the drugs. I was pushing when he got there. Once I figured out that there wouldn't be any pain relief, I wanted her out NOW!!! After twenty minutes or so and and four or five pushes, my baby was here! (Along with 2nd degree lacerations, crazy swelling, and a monstrous hematoma from pushing too hard. Again I say OUCH!) But I also say, she's so worth it. Even the terrible healing process. I also learned that labor and delivery is possible. It totally boosted my confidence in myself and in women in general. WE ROCK! For real ladies. We are strong! I know any women is capable of giving birth. Whether or not you choose to use drugs, I don' t think one way is necessarily better. It's your body, your baby, and your birth. It's choice, and either way you're strong and capable. It's an amazing process. That night I didn't think it was that great, but thank heaven for hormones that help me forget. The Lord seriously knows what he's doing.
Since she was born Hadlee has been a joy! She sleeps well, eats well, and is crazy adorable. We love her stinking guts!!! Not to mention, she can spit up like no baby you've ever seen! That's right! I look at her and just feel overwhelmed. Having her is definitely the best thing I've ever done. Cor and I didn't know we could fit so much love in our bodies! I feel like I'm going to burst! Anyway, we'll keep you updated.
Since she was born Hadlee has been a joy! She sleeps well, eats well, and is crazy adorable. We love her stinking guts!!! Not to mention, she can spit up like no baby you've ever seen! That's right! I look at her and just feel overwhelmed. Having her is definitely the best thing I've ever done. Cor and I didn't know we could fit so much love in our bodies! I feel like I'm going to burst! Anyway, we'll keep you updated.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The Waiting Process...
So, I've discovered recently that the hardest part of pregnancy is the last couple of weeks where you spend everyday waiting and wondering when your baby is going to come. I think it's driving me a little crazy. My mom even came into town thinking for sure the baby was coming soon, but that was day before yesterday and still no baby. It turns out I had some virus or something. Let's just say there's been lots of cramping and lots of quick trips to the bathroom. I'm starting to feel a little better today, but still no baby. I think the most concerning thing is that she won't come this week when my mom is here, and then she'll have to leave, and then I'll have her next week without my mom here or Cor's mom. (Cor's parents will be gone all of next week.) This shouldn't be troublesome, I know lots of people do it without anyone to help, but I was just looking forward to having the help. I'll admit I'm a little scared. I've never had a baby before. But I'll be okay. And next week is Cor's spring break, so he'll be home the whole time, and that's comforting. Anyway, if you were wondering what's new...nothing. Just waiting. And everything will be fine.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Our Hofman House Heartbreak...
So... we recently came to a conclusion about the whole stay at home with baby dilemma. Pretty much, if we buy our house, yes, the one we've put all that time and heart into, I would have to be working full time, and so would Cor. If not full time, pretty darn close. So, after much prayer and contemplation...and tears...we decided that the most important thing to us is our family, and especially the little lady who will be coming into our home. Plus, we'd like to be able to finish school sometime in the near future. If we choose to buy the house, we'd be working a lot more and that would seriously cut into school and family time. And, we just know it's most important for Hadlee to be home with mommy most of the time. It was a super hard decision to come to. We're now in the process of apartment hunting. We need something more family ready. Preferably two or three rooms with W/D hookups and, if at all possible, the dishwasher I dreamed of and still want so badly. The house is getting so nice too. It makes me cry every time I go and look at it. I'll be a big mess when the painting and carpet and all those good things are done. Mostly when I walk into the room I always pictured as Hadlee's knowing it won't be. It's very, very sad. After it's finished, Cor's parents will sell our beautiful, wonderful house. We'll be able to put a little in savings then for future emergencies, or even a future down payment. Someday, when we're done with school and making more money, we'll buy another house. Maybe we'll like it just as much, or even more. I hope so. For now, we're making a better choice for our little girl and our family. Unless, of course, any of you out there in blog land want to donate a huge down payment to the Hofman House fund so we can still move into the house. Seeings how that is most likely NEVER going to happen, we're resigned to the fact that we've made one of those famous adult decisions. It stinks being grown up sometimes. But life is still good, and soon our baby girl will be here and it will be even better.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Still no baby...but getting closer!
So, I'm at app. 35 weeks now, which means I could go any time really. Doctor's say it's best if baby waits until after 37 weeks, so that's all I'm hoping for. I feel like it's impossible for any more baby to fit inside of me! Sleeping is getting very uncomfortable. Plus, I'm so excited I could pop! Or hope to anyway! This past weekend my grandma Linda and Kelsee threw me a baby shower back in my old stomping grounds. Let's just say baby Hadlee has ENOUGH clothes! She will be one well dressed little girl! We also got most of the other things new parents could ever hope for: a swing (that goes both ways, how exciting!), a bouncer, a pack-n-play, a beautiful bassinet, an umbrella stroller, a shopping cart cover, car accessories (car seat protector & shades), a soother toy for her crib, some really pretty blankets, a boppy, a hooter hider (thanks Kels), some essentials like diapers and wipes, some baby towels, and a few other, much appreciated, things. I'm not sure what else we'll need, or if there are any more baby must haves, but hopefully someone will read this and let me know. As for Cor, he's still chugging along in school, and work, and finishing the house. They'll start dry wall this week! YYYAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! I need to get more pictures up! It looks more house-like with the insulation in the walls. We'll hopefully get to move in soon after the baby comes. Also, I'm still trying to solve the dilemma of how to stay at home with baby and still make a decent income. I REALLY REALLY want to stay home, especially the closer it comes to getting her here. We do need to pay bills though, so I have to find a solution that will make everything work. If anyone can help, please give your advice. Well, have a fantastic day, or week, or however long until I post again! Pray for a safe (and not too far off) delivery!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Pictures of our Life
Our wedding day - click here
Our Cancun Honeymoon - click here
The Making of Our House - click here for album 1 or click here for album 2
Check regularly for more pictures and posts of our ever exciting life together!
Our Cancun Honeymoon - click here
The Making of Our House - click here for album 1 or click here for album 2
Check regularly for more pictures and posts of our ever exciting life together!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Here goes nothing...
Well, we're at 32 weeks and counting until that BIG day when Hadlee is born! We decided, after looking at Kelsee and Levi's blog, that we needed one too. That way all you lucky people can keep up to date with our crazy life and, pretty soon, the first of our crazy clan of kids. ( I already told Cor if he'd have 3 I'd be willing to have the other 3.) Anyway, right now the newest developments are: Hadlee loves daddy's voice. She almost always starts kicking and wiggling when she hears him. She also loves warm baths, music, and when mommy talks to her. She doesn't like heart monitors. Every time we get to listen to her heartbeat, she kicks at the monitor. She just doesn't have enough room to share right now! As for mom and dad: I'm still working every morning with the crazy two turning three year olds at ELC. They're my little monsters, and good training. I also see the physical therapist three times a week, the chiropractor and massage therapist once a week, and my nurse/midwives once a week. I attend any baby steps classes I can. I try to stay busy. Cor is going to school, working at Big John's with his dad, and finishing our house with his dad. He's a very busy boy and I'm so grateful for all he does for our family. He also takes very good care of me. Especially since my back injury makes the simplest little chores hard. I look very forward to the day we're in the new house with a dishwasher!!! AND A BABY!!! Anyway, keep visiting for updates, and as soon as baby comes, we'll have TONS of Hadlee photos for you all to enjoy.
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