My girls! Eleonora and Hadlee...

My girls! Eleonora and Hadlee...

Sunday, April 20, 2008


She's finally here and we love her! She was born at 12:25 a.m. Saturday, April 5th, 2008. She weighed 8 lbs 8 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long. Her head was 14 1/4. She was a BIG healthy girl. She came naturally (that's right, no drugs at all. Also, no episiotomy) after 14 HOURS of Pitocin. OUCH. Everything went SUPER slow until the very end. When I finally got dilated far enough (I set the goal ahead of time - if I were to get an epidural, I wouldn't do it until after 6 or 7 cm in order to help prevent c-section) to ask for an epidural, I went from 7 to 10 in about 3 minutes so there was no time for the guy to come with the drugs. I was pushing when he got there. Once I figured out that there wouldn't be any pain relief, I wanted her out NOW!!! After twenty minutes or so and and four or five pushes, my baby was here! (Along with 2nd degree lacerations, crazy swelling, and a monstrous hematoma from pushing too hard. Again I say OUCH!) But I also say, she's so worth it. Even the terrible healing process. I also learned that labor and delivery is possible. It totally boosted my confidence in myself and in women in general. WE ROCK! For real ladies. We are strong! I know any women is capable of giving birth. Whether or not you choose to use drugs, I don' t think one way is necessarily better. It's your body, your baby, and your birth. It's choice, and either way you're strong and capable. It's an amazing process. That night I didn't think it was that great, but thank heaven for hormones that help me forget. The Lord seriously knows what he's doing.

Since she was born Hadlee has been a joy! She sleeps well, eats well, and is crazy adorable. We love her stinking guts!!! Not to mention, she can spit up like no baby you've ever seen! That's right! I look at her and just feel overwhelmed. Having her is definitely the best thing I've ever done. Cor and I didn't know we could fit so much love in our bodies! I feel like I'm going to burst! Anyway, we'll keep you updated.


Jessica said...

Your baby is so beautiful... I <3 her! And you looked amazing mama! I loved what you said about gaining confidence in yourself through your birth. I sort of had the opposite experience.. I feel really guilty about not being able to get my baby out naturally. Like I could have done a lot of things differently and that would have made my hips big enough to push her through... whatever... I am dealing a lot better with it then when we first got home. You know how those first few weeks are.. you feel like you are going to explode with all the love and joy and sorrow and utter terror that somehow your baby is going to disappear or something. I still get up in the night and poke her to make sure she's breathing. said...

Kelsee told me how to get on your blog and I want you to know how beautiful your little girl is. Congratulations and lots of love, Grammy xxoo

Lanae said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Not only congrats for such a beautiful little girl, but great job doing it naturally. Welcome to the club. I love reading your blog, because of your descriptions. I hope you enjoy the new gal of your family!